Joelle Faulkner featured in Women in Ag’s Quarterly Journal

Joelle Faulkner was recently included as a Woman to Watch in the latest issue of Women in Agribusiness‘ quarterly journal. When asked what advice she’d give for someone following her path, she says:

“Every time you say yes to something, you need to say no to something else, so it is important that you decide what is critical for success. In our case, it was critical to determine how to share value between our farm partners and our investors in a way that creates value so that both parties end up better off than they were without the other. Maintaining that view and partnership structure, however, has not been easy because much of the world operates with the idea that more for me has to be less for you.”

Follow this link to read the full interview: Woman in Agribusiness Q1 2018

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“I ended up with this idea of a true partnership that injects capital into the farm to enable growth while maintaining the land base control with the farmer,” Faulkner says. “The farmer still owns the portion of land he or she can afford, and any profit and capital appreciation that is created by the partnership is shared equitably by the farmer and the investor.”

Read the article from Country Guide here.