Joelle Faulkner – Canada’s Top 40 Under 40

 Of course, innovation extends beyond technology. Joelle Faulkner is founder and CEO of Area One Farms Ltd., which provides financing, private equity and growth capital to the farming community. “Many of these businesses are asset-rick because farms have been in families for generations,” says Hughes. “What she’s doing uniquely to help finance transitions and expansions and how she supported farmers through the pandemic to help keep grocery stores open and food on the table is an example of the innovative spirit of Top 40 honourees.”    

 Read the rest here.

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“I ended up with this idea of a true partnership that injects capital into the farm to enable growth while maintaining the land base control with the farmer,” Faulkner says. “The farmer still owns the portion of land he or she can afford, and any profit and capital appreciation that is created by the partnership is shared equitably by the farmer and the investor.”

Read the article from Country Guide here.